The 15th Regatta will commence on the 15th of September 2025 with registration at the club house of the Nautical Club of Leros near Lakki, Leros, and a Skippers’ meeting at 18:00 also at the club house on the 14th. The race will start on September 15th with a course from Lakki arount Leros and back to Lakki. The second day’s race will go from Lakki to the small island Telendos northwest of Kalymnis and back to Lakki. The third race starts fom Lakki and goes around Kyriaki island on the east side of Leros and back to Lakki.
The results will be published here after each race. There will be a prize-giving ceremony with dinner and entertainment at the clubhouse premises on Wednesday the 17th of September. The participation fee will be 180 € per boat (including skipper) plus 60 € for each additional crew member, to be paid at the registration. The dinner at the prize-giving ceremony is included in the fee.
For the pre-registration process there is a simplified and user-friendly rating application form and process. Skippers are requested to pre-register by filling in and submitting the online Entry Form latest by September 5th. Late entries may be accepted at the organisers’ discretion.
Boats without a valid ORC certificate are required to submit the duly filled-in Entry Form and the GSR Rating Form in order to be provided with a GSR Rating. Each boat can participate in more than one class, provided it can produce the relevant certificates. The minimum number of boats in a class is three. The maximum number of participating boats is 25, due to the small number of moorings available in the harbours to be visited. The Organising Authority reserves the right to accept entries beyond this limit according to mooring and other considerations.
Invitation and Notice of Race
Information about the rules applicable for the race and about other specific provisions 2024 (will be up-dated in February 2025)
The Organizing Authority January 26, 2025
Online Application Forms
Forms are open for registration for this year’s GSR in February 2025. You are able to pre-register here by filling the application form(s). The Entry form is in Greek and English as the regatta is organized under the auspices of the Hellenic Sailing Federation. In case a boat is chartered and its name is unknown the skipper’s name can be used instead.
Göran Schildt Regatta 2025 – Entry Form (Open Class/ORC)
Göran Schildt Regatta 2025 – GSR Rating Form (Open Class only)
The Crew List has to be duly filled in and submitted to the organizers the latest at the registration.
Göran Schildt Regatta 2025 – Crew List
Looking for a crew? Check out the Crew Bank.